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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 01/02/2019
Select Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
7:00 pm Town Hall

Present: Robert L. Edwards, Chair; Mike Genest, Selectman; John Robertson, Selectman
Staff: Donna Hanson, Town Administrator

Agenda Items:
  • Approval of Minutes – Public – December 17, 2018 Mr. Robertson moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Approval of Minutes Non-Public – December 17, 2018 Mr. Robertson moved to accept the minutes as amended; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Preliminary Operating Budget
  • At this time the budget has decreased by approx. $400.00. We will continue to look at reducing department budgets further. Discussion ensued on the traffic control for West Street Bridge. Traffic control estimated at $32,000.00 will be allocated in the budget in case there is no reimbursement from the State Bridge Program.
  • For full transparency, Mr. Genest wants to make it clear that a 6th police officer was voted in on September 24, 2018 at the Select Board meeting.  The position was a transfer of hours from the full time receptionist to a full time police officer. Mr. Genest is not necessarily in support of the Police budget due to the addition of a 6th officer.
  • The fire/ambulance needs to submit a proposal to the Select Board to discuss long term plans regarding the department and future payment from the Town of Bennington for ambulance calls.
  • The Select Board will ask the planning board to decrease their budget by $9,000.00.
  • Mr. Edwards talked about the library trust funds increasing year after year along with their operating budget and maybe the trust funds can be used to offset some of the operating budget.
  • Warrant Articles
  • Preliminary warrant articles were discussed. Mr. Genest will talk to Chief Lester regarding the need to create a funded Police Capital Reserve Fund in anticipation of future IT upgrades.
  • Select Board discussed the Solar Exemption warrant article. There was a question whether the solar panels add value to the property. Ms. Hanson will discuss this with the town assessor.
  • KENO
The Select Board discussed the opportunity for KENO in town and the Board agreed they were not supportive of this initiative.
  • Other Business:
Ms. Hanson asked if employees that don’t qualify for Health Insurance could pay 100% of cost to be entitled to health insurance. Ms. Hanson will look into this further.

  • Town Report:
The town report will be dedicated to Mr. Ron Haggett.
  • Select Board Annual Report
The annual report written by Bob Edwards was reviewed.
  • Festival of Trees
Mr. Genest moved to thank the Festival of Trees Committee and the Library Staff for the time and effort that make this a great event for the town of Antrim. Mr. Edwards seconded. Passed 3/0
  • Deeded Property
Ms. Hanson will ask legal counsel about deeded property that will go up for auction.

  • Mulhall Farm Road
Mr. Edwards said the developers of Mulhall Farm Road requested to come before the Select Board to discuss their thoughts regarding what possibilities~and conditions~would be required~and the process involved in order for the Select Board to consider accepting~their private development road in the future as a town road and any other future maintenance responsibilities that may~pertain~to the Project.~. The developers will be asked to attend the February 28, 2019 Select Board meeting.
  • Mr. Robertson moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 PM; Mr. Genest seconded. Passed 3/0
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Hanson, Town Administrator